Hi! I'm Anabella

An agronomic engineer and data analyst


With over six years of experience in a molecular biology laboratory, I designed and developed this inventory for stock reagents and supplies. Key Tools Utilized: Pivot tables; Slicers; Conditional formatting; Macros; Hyperlinks

TABLEAU dashboard

I crafted a dashboard using the Brain Stroke dataset sourced from Kaggle. This project showcases a blend of storytelling and design skills, aimed at producing a visually engaging and enlightening data-driven experience.


Here you will find SQL commands to retrieve data from different databases. I used: String,Numeric and Date functions; Aggregate functions; Subqueries; Joins and Unions


Exploratory Data Analysis performed with R
With a small dataset I manage to perform several data analysis: Used 7 Libraries, Generated 6 visualizations, Made a ANOVA and LSD Fisher's tests


Here you will see my python learning log. At the moment just learning basic python. Will start with pandas and other libraries